A Short Film on Belief - 6' - Norway, presented by Matt Willis-Jones
Scrabble - 11' - Switzerland (Best Short finalist)
Castillo y el Armado - 14' - Brazil
Tacco 12 - 17' - Italy
Detour - 8' - Singapore
Berlin Troika - 11' - Germany
pause 15'
It's not about you anymore - 19' - Belgium
Paradise - 6' - Belgium
Disintegration - 11' - Spain
Genti di muerti - 24' - Spain
Bahar in wonderland - 17' - Germany
The good son - 14' - U.K.
Sexy Shopping - 20' - Italy
Business As Usual - The Prophet’s On Board - 10' - Germany
Paradise - 6' - Belgium (Best Short finalist)
Greenland - 17' - Israel
Plug & Play - 6' - Switzerland
Ants Pact - 20' - Germany
Dwarf Giant - 11' - France, Switzerland
pause 15'
Hiob - 20' - Germany
Fortune faded - 3' - Germany
Deus in machina - 20' - Italy
Only Make Believe - 12' - U.K.
Own life - 19' - Russia
Inercia - 4' - Argentina
Midnight Blue - 8' - France
Biodiversity - 17' - Spain
Ordinary life - 6' - U.S.A.
Shadow tree - 10' - Tanzania
Inside - 7' - Argentina
Ladiri (Adobe) - 8' - Italy
Good habits in 60 seconds - 1' - Brazil
reCuiem - 20' - Italy
Oh Whale - 6' - Switzerland
The Canaries Know - 17' - Denmark, Kosovo
The Stomach - 15' - U.K.
Midnight Snack - 12' - U.K.
Tin & Tina - 12' - Spain
Sequence - 20' - Spain (Best Short finalist)
Dring of the dead - 5' - France
Everything For The Movies - 20' - Belgium
Nuggets - 5' - Germany
Biodiversity - 17' - Spain
Déjà-Moo - 10' - Germany
Ordinary life - 6' - U.S.A.
pause 15'
Mi disegni una pecora? - 17' - Italy (Italian Schools Special Award finalist)
Grand tour - 16' - Italy (Italian Schools Special Award finalist)
Dottor Asl - 9' - Italy (Italian Schools Special Award finalist)
Una macchina per scrivere - 9' - Italy (Italian Schools Special Award finalist)
Bold - 14' - U.K.
Best before end... - 15' - France
Bir-Hakeim Bridge - 8' - France
The Dancing - 18' - Belgium
Private screening - 17' - Spain
Coming out - 9' - Germany
Balls - 13' - The Netherlands
Sermon on the mount - 19' - Spain
Ballet story - 9' - Germany
Border patrol - 15' - Germany
Level of care - 19' - Germany
Clockwork - 7' - China
Shredder - 20' - Russia
Cold's Bones - 17' - Spain
Adam and Everything - 12' - Belgium
The Hunger Artist - 11' - Sweden
A Lemon Perfume - 20' - Belgium
Lifever - 14' - France
A separation - 18' - Belgium
Stanton Trust - 19' - U.K.
Corri! - 11' - Italy
Live - 15' - Spain (Best Short Finalist)
Krzml by sinus force - 6' - Germany
Chaplin SP - 2' - Brazil
Deep inside the uterus - 6' - Belgium
Loop of Farewell - 3' - Japan
I Dream For Two - 4' - Norway
Leka - 3' - Sweden
Endless summer - 5' - Japan
The slow one - 5' - Italy
Carpe Jugular - 5' - Germany
Fåån - 5' - Sweden
Mind Fox - Repress Play - 4' - Sweden
Princess Disaster Movie - 4' - Austria
Lam 2: Red Hands - 5' - The Netherlands, U.S.A.
The Rubric Timestamped - 9' - U.S.A.
Instalife - 6' - Germany
The Illmannered Milkman - 15' - The Netherlands
Chiaroscuro - 8' - Brazil
Carnivora Gardinum - 4' - U.S.A.
Particle acceleration - 8' - Germany
370 new world - 5' - Italy
Bahar in wonderland - 17' - Germany
The good son - 14' - U.K.
Sexy Shopping - 20' - Italy
Business As Usual - The Prophet’s On Board - 10' - Germany
Paradise - 6' - Belgium (Best Short finalist)
La bambina - 16' - Iran, Italy
Extras - 5' - Germany
5 ways 2 die - 15' - Cyprus
Chigger Ale - 11' - Ethiopia
Don't eat me please - 3' - Sweden
24/7 - 15' - Germany
Supervenus - 3' - France
The obvious child - 12' - U.K. (Best Short finalist)
Pandas - 11' - Slovakia, Czech Republic (Best Short finalist)
Gargalesis - 2' - Germany
Good Hands - 5' - Argentina
Zombie Pony - 2' - Argentina
The Dirdy Birdy Redux - 8' - U.S.A.
Bus Stop - 3' - Russia
Level of care - 19' - Germany
Clockwork - 7' - China
Shredder - 20' - Russia
Cold's Bones - 17' - Spain
Adam and Everything - 12' - Belgium
The Hunger Artist - 11' - Sweden
A Lemon Perfume - 20' - Belgium
Lifever - 14' - France
A separation - 18' - Belgium
Bold - 14' - U.K.
Best before end... - 15' - France
Bir-Hakeim Bridge - 8' - France
The Dancing - 18' - Belgium
Private screening - 17' - Spain
Coming out - 9' - Germany
Balls - 13' - The Netherlands
Sermon on the mount - 19' - Spain
Ballet story - 9' - Germany
Border patrol - 15' - Germany
Stanton Trust - 19' - U.K.
Corri! - 11' - Italy
Live - 15' - Spain (Best Short Finalist)
In cerca di un amico - 19' - Italy
Romy, I am shy - 16' - Germany
Yaar - 20' - Belgium
Roy - 10' - Norway
The fight - 13' - Ireland
Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - 14' - U.S.A.
Michael S., re-collected - 2' - Austria
The Rubric Timestamped - 9' - U.S.A.
Instalife - 6' - Germany
The Illmannered Milkman - 15' - The Netherlands
Chiaroscuro - 8' - Brazil
Carnivora Gardinum - 4' - U.S.A.
Particle acceleration - 8' - Germany
370 new world - 5' - Italy
Krzml by sinus force - 6' - Germany
Chaplin SP - 2' - Brazil
Deep inside the uterus - 6' - Belgium
Loop of Farewell - 3' - Japan
I Dream For Two - 4' - Norway
Leka - 3' - Sweden
Endless summer - 5' - Japan
The slow one - 5' - Italy
Carpe Jugular - 5' - Germany
Fåån - 5' - Sweden
Mind Fox - Repress Play - 4' - Sweden
Princess Disaster Movie - 4' - Austria
Lam 2: Red Hands - 5' - The Netherlands, U.S.A.
The Bigger Picture - 7' - U.K.
0,60 mg - 14' - Spain
The fish and I - 6' - Iran
Serori - 15' - Spain, The Netherlands, Japan
Wedding Cake - 9' - Germany
The New Music - 14' - France
A better place - 4' - Spain
Bär - 8' - Germany
With best regards - 5' - Germany
Following: final ceremony and awards proclamation
A Short Film on Belief - 6' - Norway (out of competition)
Scrabble - 11' - Switzerland
The Bigger Picture - 7' - U.K.
0,60 mg - 14' - Spain
The fish and I - 6' - Iran
Serori - 15' - Spain, The Netherlands, Japan
Wedding Cake - 9' - Germany
The New Music - 14' - France
A better place - 4' - Spain
Bär - 8' - Germany
With best regards - 5' - Germany