370 new world

370 New World is a work on the new solitude created by the economic and social crisis which crossed the whole Europe in the last ten years. The human isolation which is displayed to the spectator is, by now, part of the everyday life of many people. compulsively so that the individual finally lives emotionally detached from everyday life. By indulging into the screen’s light, we are released from the real problems of life and of living together. The work closes on a man who stubbornly seeds the asphalt. That peasant, with that peculiar gesture, strongly asserts his will to get back a certain concreteness, in the name of his link with the mother earth. Twisted, dried up, deprived of meaning, the earth is always there to prove our original essence of social and natural animals. The act of seeding becomes thus a fight against the asphalt which covers the square dominated by the monolith of an abandoned mill, which becomes the symbol of the industrial and economic decay. We do not know wether the peasant will win that unequal fight. But we do know that his battle is the only ethic choice possible.

Avant-garde & Experimental
Marcantonio Lunardi
Video Art